
Setup Perl environment on Github Action

Do you find Github Actions to setup all versions of Perl.

"Setup Perl environment" is useful.

Setup Perl environment


- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
    perl-version: '5.34'
- run: cpanm --installdeps .
- run: prove -lv t

Perl Club use "Setup Perl environment" on Gihub Action in SPVM development to test old Perl 5.8.9.


See the Linux example. "Setup Perl environment" has cpanm. You can install Perl modules using cpanm.

name: linux-5.8.9

      - '*'
      - '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
        perl-version: '5.8.9'
    - run: cpanm ExtUtils::CBuilder
    - name: perl Makefile.PL
      run: perl Makefile.PL
    - name: make
      run: make
    - name: make disttest
      run: make disttest

Play Perl on the web - PerlBanjo.com

Perl Club delivers fresh, healthy, fair, practical, lively information of Perl.

We were asked for "There is a way to execute Perl on the web".

Today We introduce PerlBanjo.com. You can play Perl on the web using PerlBanjo.com.


You can execute Perl programs easily on the web.

use strict;
use warnings;

print "Hello\n";

JavaScript Supported Web Scraping using Perl and Selenium with Google ChromeDriver

Perl Club starts to translate Japanese Perl Tutorial to English. Yuki Kimoto is one of the Perl Messengers.

Perl Club decides to write all articles English at first.

This is a first English-first article.

If you want to scrape web contents, this article explains how to scrape web contents using Perl and Selenium.

JavaScript Supported Web Scraping using Perl and Selenium

I explain JavaScript supported web scraping using Perl and Selenium::Remote::Driver. Selenium::Remote::Driver is a Perl module for Selenium. Selenium provides the APIs for JavaScript supported web scraping.


Serve List of Directories on your Command Line - Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::Stylish

Today's fresh and healthy Perl information is how to serve the list of directories.

You can use Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::Stylish. This is a Mojolicious plugin.


You can install Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::Stylish using cpanm command or cpan command.

# cpanm
cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::Stylish

# cpan
cpan Mojolicious::Plugin::Directory::Stylish

Serve List of Directories

Serve List of Directories.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin 'Directory::Stylish';

You can serve the list of directories on your command line.

perl -Mojo -E 'a->plugin("Directory::Stylish")->start' daemon

Let's access the following URL.



You will see the following outputs.


Perl Latest Version in 2021

Hi, Silicon Valley's People. Do you know the latest version of Perl in 2021?

Perl Club try to publish the fair, fresh, healthful Perl informaiton.

Quize:the latest version of Perl in 2021 is

  • 1. Perl 5.14
  • 2. Perl 5.24
  • 3. Perl 5.34
  • 4. Perl 5.44

The answer is: (Bellow)

3. Perl 5.34

Perl Club is happy for you to know accurate knowledge of Perl.


Hi, Silicon Valley's People

Hi, Silicon Valley's People. I'm Yuki Kimoto, the one of messengers of Perl.

I decides that the place of the Perl information activiteis in the online is Silicon Valley.

At first, I introduce Perl. Perl is the highest misunderstanding language in Silicon Valley.

We resolve the misunderstanding with the fair, fresh, healthful Perl informaiton.

I'm Yuki Kimoto, one of the Perl Messagers.
Perl Club delivers fresh, healthy, fair, practical, lively, peaceful Perl information.